C++11 Command Line Interface Parser
No Matches

Errors thrown by CLI11. More...


class  CLI::Error
 All errors derive from this one. More...
class  CLI::ConstructionError
 Construction errors (not in parsing) More...
class  CLI::IncorrectConstruction
 Thrown when an option is set to conflicting values (non-vector and multi args, for example) More...
class  CLI::BadNameString
 Thrown on construction of a bad name. More...
class  CLI::OptionAlreadyAdded
 Thrown when an option already exists. More...
class  CLI::ParseError
 Anything that can error in Parse. More...
class  CLI::Success
 This is a successful completion on parsing, supposed to exit. More...
class  CLI::CallForHelp
 -h or –help on command line More...
class  CLI::CallForAllHelp
 Usually something like –help-all on command line. More...
class  CLI::CallForVersion
 -v or –version on command line More...
class  CLI::RuntimeError
 Does not output a diagnostic in CLI11_PARSE, but allows main() to return with a specific error code. More...
class  CLI::FileError
 Thrown when parsing an INI file and it is missing. More...
class  CLI::ConversionError
 Thrown when conversion call back fails, such as when an int fails to coerce to a string. More...
class  CLI::ValidationError
 Thrown when validation of results fails. More...
class  CLI::RequiredError
 Thrown when a required option is missing. More...
class  CLI::ArgumentMismatch
 Thrown when the wrong number of arguments has been received. More...
class  CLI::RequiresError
 Thrown when a requires option is missing. More...
class  CLI::ExcludesError
 Thrown when an excludes option is present. More...
class  CLI::ExtrasError
 Thrown when too many positionals or options are found. More...
class  CLI::ConfigError
 Thrown when extra values are found in an INI file. More...
class  CLI::InvalidError
 Thrown when validation fails before parsing. More...
class  CLI::HorribleError
class  CLI::OptionNotFound
 Thrown when counting a nonexistent option. More...

Detailed Description

Errors thrown by CLI11.

These are the errors that can be thrown. Some of them, like CLI::Success, are not really errors.