C++11 Command Line Interface Parser
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAppFriendThis class is simply to allow tests access to App's protected functions
 Celement_typeNot a pointer
 Celement_type< T, typename std::enable_if< is_copyable_ptr< T >::value >::type >
 CExistingDirectoryValidatorCheck for an existing directory (returns error message if check fails)
 CExistingFileValidatorCheck for an existing file (returns error message if check fails)
 CExistingPathValidatorCheck for an existing path
 CIPV4ValidatorValidate the given string is a legal ipv4 address
 Cis_complexCheck for complex
 Cis_istreamableCheck for input streamability
 Cis_mutable_container< T, conditional_t< false, void_t< typename T::value_type, decltype(std::declval< T >().end()), decltype(std::declval< T >().clear()), decltype(std::declval< T >().insert(std::declval< decltype(std::declval< T >().end())>(), std::declval< const typename T::value_type & >()))>, void > >
 Cis_readable_container< T, conditional_t< false, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().end()), decltype(std::declval< T >().begin())>, void > >
 Cis_wrapper< T, conditional_t< false, void_t< typename T::value_type >, void > >
 CNonexistentPathValidatorCheck for an non-existing path
 Cpair_adaptorAdaptor for set-like structure: This just wraps a normal container in a few utilities that do almost nothing
 Cpair_adaptor< T, conditional_t< false, void_t< typename T::value_type::first_type, typename T::value_type::second_type >, void > >
 Csubtype_countSet of overloads to get the type size of an object
 Csubtype_count_minForward declare the subtype_count_min structure
 Ctype_countThis will only trigger for actual void type
 Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if< is_complex< T >::value >::type >Type size for complex since it sometimes looks like a wrapper
 Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if< is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type >Type size of types that are wrappers,except complex and tuples(which can also be wrappers sometimes)
 Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if< is_wrapper< T >::value &&!is_complex< T >::value &&!is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type >Type size of types that are wrappers,except containers complex and tuples(which can also be wrappers sometimes)
 Ctype_count< T, typename std::enable_if<!is_wrapper< T >::value &&!is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_complex< T >::value &&!std::is_void< T >::value >::type >Type size for regular object types that do not look like a tuple
 Ctype_count_baseThis will only trigger for actual void type
 Ctype_count_base< T, typename std::enable_if< is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type >Type count base for containers is the type_count_base of the individual element
 Ctype_count_base< T, typename std::enable_if< is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_mutable_container< T >::value >::type >Base tuple size
 Ctype_count_base< T, typename std::enable_if<!is_tuple_like< T >::value &&!is_mutable_container< T >::value &&!std::is_void< T >::value >::type >Type size for regular object types that do not look like a tuple
 Cwrapped_typeTemplate to get the underlying value type if it exists or use a default
 Cwrapped_type< T, def, typename std::enable_if< is_wrapper< T >::value >::type >Type size for regular object types that do not look like a tuple
 CAppCreates a command line program, with very few defaults
 CArgumentMismatchThrown when the wrong number of arguments has been received
 CAutoTimerThis class prints out the time upon destruction
 CBadNameStringThrown on construction of a bad name
 CBoundProduce a bounded range (factory). Min and max are inclusive
 CCallForAllHelpUsually something like –help-all on command line
 CCallForHelp-h or –help on command line
 CCallForVersion-v or –version on command line
 CCheckedTransformerTranslate named items to other or a value set
 CConfigThis class provides a converter for configuration files
 CConfigBaseThis converter works with INI/TOML files; to write INI files use ConfigINI
 CConfigErrorThrown when extra values are found in an INI file
 CConfigINIConfigINI generates a "standard" INI compliant output
 CConfigItemHolds values to load into Options
 CConstructionErrorConstruction errors (not in parsing)
 CConversionErrorThrown when conversion call back fails, such as when an int fails to coerce to a string
 CCustomValidatorClass wrapping some of the accessors of Validator
 CErrorAll errors derive from this one
 CExcludesErrorThrown when an excludes option is present
 CExtrasErrorThrown when too many positionals or options are found
 CFileErrorThrown when parsing an INI file and it is missing
 CFormatterLambdaThis is a specialty override for lambda functions
 CIncorrectConstructionThrown when an option is set to conflicting values (non-vector and multi args, for example)
 CInvalidErrorThrown when validation fails before parsing
 Cis_boolCheck to see if something is bool (fail check by default)
 Cis_bool< bool >Check to see if something is bool (true if actually a bool)
 Cis_copyable_ptrCheck to see if something is copyable pointer
 Cis_shared_ptrCheck to see if something is a shared pointer
 Cis_shared_ptr< const std::shared_ptr< T > >Check to see if something is a shared pointer (True if really a shared pointer)
 Cis_shared_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > >Check to see if something is a shared pointer (True if really a shared pointer)
 CIsMemberVerify items are in a set
 CIsMemberTypeThis can be specialized to override the type deduction for IsMember
 CIsMemberType< const char * >The main custom type needed here is const char * should be a string
 Cmake_voidA copy of std::void_t from C++17 (helper for C++11 and C++14)
 COption_groupExtension of App to better manage groups of options
 COptionAlreadyAddedThrown when an option already exists
 COptionNotFoundThrown when counting a nonexistent option
 CParseErrorAnything that can error in Parse
 CRangeProduce a range (factory). Min and max are inclusive
 CRequiredErrorThrown when a required option is missing
 CRequiresErrorThrown when a requires option is missing
 CRuntimeErrorDoes not output a diagnostic in CLI11_PARSE, but allows main() to return with a specific error code
 CSuccessThis is a successful completion on parsing, supposed to exit
 CTimerThis is a simple timer with pretty printing. Creating the timer starts counting
 CTransformerTranslate named items to other or a value set
 CTypeValidatorValidate the input as a particular type
 CValidationErrorThrown when validation of results fails
 CValidatorSome validators that are provided