C++11 Command Line Interface Parser
No Matches
CLI::Option Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for CLI::Option:
CLI::OptionBase< Option >

Public Member Functions

 Option (const Option &)=delete
Optionoperator= (const Option &)=delete
CLI11_NODISCARD std::size_t count () const
 Count the total number of times an option was passed.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool empty () const
 True if the option was not passed.
 operator bool () const
 This bool operator returns true if any arguments were passed or the option callback is forced.
void clear ()
 Clear the parsed results (mostly for testing)
Setting options
Optionexpected (int value)
 Set the number of expected arguments.
Optionexpected (int value_min, int value_max)
 Set the range of expected arguments.
Optionallow_extra_args (bool value=true)
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_allow_extra_args () const
 Get the current value of allow extra args.
Optiontrigger_on_parse (bool value=true)
 Set the value of trigger_on_parse which specifies that the option callback should be triggered on every parse.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_trigger_on_parse () const
 The status of trigger on parse.
Optionforce_callback (bool value=true)
 Set the value of force_callback.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_force_callback () const
 The status of force_callback.
Optionrun_callback_for_default (bool value=true)
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_run_callback_for_default () const
 Get the current value of run_callback_for_default.
Optioncheck (Validator validator, const std::string &validator_name="")
 Adds a Validator with a built in type name.
Optioncheck (std::function< std::string(const std::string &)> Validator, std::string Validator_description="", std::string Validator_name="")
 Adds a Validator. Takes a const string& and returns an error message (empty if conversion/check is okay).
Optiontransform (Validator Validator, const std::string &Validator_name="")
 Adds a transforming Validator with a built in type name.
Optiontransform (const std::function< std::string(std::string)> &func, std::string transform_description="", std::string transform_name="")
 Adds a Validator-like function that can change result.
Optioneach (const std::function< void(std::string)> &func)
 Adds a user supplied function to run on each item passed in (communicate though lambda capture)
Validatorget_validator (const std::string &Validator_name="")
 Get a named Validator.
Validatorget_validator (int index)
 Get a Validator by index NOTE: this may not be the order of definition.
Optionneeds (Option *opt)
 Sets required options.
template<typename T = App>
Optionneeds (std::string opt_name)
 Can find a string if needed.
template<typename A , typename B , typename... ARG>
Optionneeds (A opt, B opt1, ARG... args)
 Any number supported, any mix of string and Opt.
bool remove_needs (Option *opt)
 Remove needs link from an option. Returns true if the option really was in the needs list.
Optionexcludes (Option *opt)
 Sets excluded options.
template<typename T = App>
Optionexcludes (std::string opt_name)
 Can find a string if needed.
template<typename A , typename B , typename... ARG>
Optionexcludes (A opt, B opt1, ARG... args)
 Any number supported, any mix of string and Opt.
bool remove_excludes (Option *opt)
 Remove needs link from an option. Returns true if the option really was in the needs list.
Optionenvname (std::string name)
 Sets environment variable to read if no option given.
template<typename T = App>
Optionignore_case (bool value=true)
template<typename T = App>
Optionignore_underscore (bool value=true)
Optionmulti_option_policy (MultiOptionPolicy value=MultiOptionPolicy::Throw)
 Take the last argument if given multiple times (or another policy)
Optiondisable_flag_override (bool value=true)
 Disable flag overrides values, e.g. –flag=is not allowed.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_type_size () const
 The number of arguments the option expects.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_type_size_min () const
 The minimum number of arguments the option expects.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_type_size_max () const
 The maximum number of arguments the option expects.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_inject_separator () const
 Return the inject_separator flag.
CLI11_NODISCARD std::string get_envname () const
 The environment variable associated to this value.
CLI11_NODISCARD std::set< Option * > get_needs () const
 The set of options needed.
CLI11_NODISCARD std::set< Option * > get_excludes () const
 The set of options excluded.
CLI11_NODISCARD std::string get_default_str () const
 The default value (for help printing)
CLI11_NODISCARD callback_t get_callback () const
 Get the callback function.
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::vector< std::string > & get_lnames () const
 Get the long names.
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::vector< std::string > & get_snames () const
 Get the short names.
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::vector< std::string > & get_fnames () const
 Get the flag names with specified default values.
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::string & get_single_name () const
 Get a single name for the option, first of lname, sname, pname, envname.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_expected () const
 The number of times the option expects to be included.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_expected_min () const
 The number of times the option expects to be included.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_expected_max () const
 The max number of times the option expects to be included.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_items_expected_min () const
 The total min number of expected string values to be used.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_items_expected_max () const
 Get the maximum number of items expected to be returned and used for the callback.
CLI11_NODISCARD int get_items_expected () const
 The total min number of expected string values to be used.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_positional () const
 True if the argument can be given directly.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool nonpositional () const
 True if option has at least one non-positional name.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool has_description () const
 True if option has description.
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::string & get_description () const
 Get the description.
Optiondescription (std::string option_description)
 Set the description.
Optionoption_text (std::string text)
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::string & get_option_text () const
Help tools
CLI11_NODISCARD std::string get_name (bool positional=false, bool all_options=false) const
 Gets a comma separated list of names. Will include / prefer the positional name if positional is true. If all_options is false, pick just the most descriptive name to show. Use get_name(true) to get the positional name (replaces get_pname)
Parser tools
void run_callback ()
 Process the callback.
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::string & matching_name (const Option &other) const
 If options share any of the same names, find it.
bool operator== (const Option &other) const
 If options share any of the same names, they are equal (not counting positional)
CLI11_NODISCARD bool check_name (const std::string &name) const
 Check a name. Requires "-" or "--" for short / long, supports positional name.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool check_sname (std::string name) const
 Requires "-" to be removed from string.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool check_lname (std::string name) const
 Requires "--" to be removed from string.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool check_fname (std::string name) const
 Requires "--" to be removed from string.
CLI11_NODISCARD std::string get_flag_value (const std::string &name, std::string input_value) const
Optionadd_result (std::string s)
 Puts a result at the end.
Optionadd_result (std::string s, int &results_added)
 Puts a result at the end and get a count of the number of arguments actually added.
Optionadd_result (std::vector< std::string > s)
 Puts a result at the end.
CLI11_NODISCARD const results_t & results () const
 Get the current complete results set.
CLI11_NODISCARD results_t reduced_results () const
 Get a copy of the results.
template<typename T >
void results (T &output) const
 Get the results as a specified type.
template<typename T >
CLI11_NODISCARD T as () const
 Return the results as the specified type.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_callback_run () const
 See if the callback has been run already.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CLI::OptionBase< Option >
Optiongroup (const std::string &name)
 Changes the group membership.
Optionrequired (bool value=true)
 Set the option as required.
Optionmandatory (bool value=true)
 Support Plumbum term.
Optionalways_capture_default (bool value=true)
CLI11_NODISCARD const std::string & get_group () const
 Get the group of this option.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_required () const
 True if this is a required option.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_ignore_case () const
 The status of ignore case.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_ignore_underscore () const
 The status of ignore_underscore.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_configurable () const
 The status of configurable.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_disable_flag_override () const
 The status of configurable.
CLI11_NODISCARD char get_delimiter () const
 Get the current delimiter char.
CLI11_NODISCARD bool get_always_capture_default () const
 Return true if this will automatically capture the default value for help printing.
CLI11_NODISCARD MultiOptionPolicy get_multi_option_policy () const
 The status of the multi option policy.
Optiontake_last ()
 Set the multi option policy to take last.
Optiontake_first ()
 Set the multi option policy to take last.
Optiontake_all ()
 Set the multi option policy to take all arguments.
Optionjoin ()
 Set the multi option policy to join.
Optionjoin (char delim)
 Set the multi option policy to join with a specific delimiter.
Optionconfigurable (bool value=true)
 Allow in a configuration file.
Optiondelimiter (char value='\0')
 Allow in a configuration file.

Protected Member Functions

 Option (std::string option_name, std::string option_description, callback_t callback, App *parent, bool allow_non_standard=false)
 Making an option by hand is not defined, it must be made by the App class.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CLI::OptionBase< Option >
void copy_to (T *other) const
 Copy the contents to another similar class (one based on OptionBase)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::string > snames_ {}
 A list of the short names (-a) without the leading dashes.
std::vector< std::string > lnames_ {}
 A list of the long names (--long) without the leading dashes.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > default_flag_values_ {}
std::vector< std::string > fnames_ {}
 a list of flag names with specified default values;
std::string pname_ {}
 A positional name.
std::string envname_ {}
 If given, check the environment for this option.
std::string description_ {}
 The description for help strings.
std::string default_str_ {}
 A human readable default value, either manually set, captured, or captured by default.
std::string option_text_ {}
 If given, replace the text that describes the option type and usage in the help text.
std::function< std::string()> type_name_ {[]() { return std::string(); }}
std::function< std::string()> default_function_ {}
 Run this function to capture a default (ignore if empty)
int type_size_max_ {1}
int type_size_min_ {1}
 The minimum number of arguments an option should be expecting.
int expected_min_ {1}
 The minimum number of expected values.
int expected_max_ {1}
 The maximum number of expected values.
std::vector< Validatorvalidators_ {}
 A list of Validators to run on each value parsed.
std::set< Option * > needs_ {}
 A list of options that are required with this option.
std::set< Option * > excludes_ {}
 A list of options that are excluded with this option.
Appparent_ {nullptr}
 link back up to the parent App for fallthrough
callback_t callback_ {}
 Options store a callback to do all the work.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CLI::OptionBase< Option >
std::string group_
 The group membership.
bool required_
 True if this is a required option.
bool ignore_case_
 Ignore the case when matching (option, not value)
bool ignore_underscore_
 Ignore underscores when matching (option, not value)
bool configurable_
 Allow this option to be given in a configuration file.
bool disable_flag_override_
 Disable overriding flag values with '=value'.
char delimiter_
 Specify a delimiter character for vector arguments.
bool always_capture_default_
 Automatically capture default value.
MultiOptionPolicy multi_option_policy_
 Policy for handling multiple arguments beyond the expected Max.

Parsing results

enum class  option_state : char { parsing = 0 , validated = 2 , reduced = 4 , callback_run = 6 }
 enumeration for the option state machine More...
results_t results_ {}
 complete Results of parsing
results_t proc_results_ {}
 results after reduction
option_state current_option_state_ {option_state::parsing}
 Whether the callback has run (needed for INI parsing)
bool allow_extra_args_ {false}
 Specify that extra args beyond type_size_max should be allowed.
bool flag_like_ {false}
 Specify that the option should act like a flag vs regular option.
bool run_callback_for_default_ {false}
 Control option to run the callback to set the default.
bool inject_separator_ {false}
 flag indicating a separator needs to be injected after each argument call
bool trigger_on_result_ {false}
 flag indicating that the option should trigger the validation and callback chain on each result when loaded
bool force_callback_ {false}
 flag indicating that the option should force the callback regardless if any results present

Custom options

Optiontype_name_fn (std::function< std::string()> typefun)
 Set the type function to run when displayed on this option.
Optiontype_name (std::string typeval)
 Set a custom option typestring.
Optiontype_size (int option_type_size)
 Set a custom option size.
Optiontype_size (int option_type_size_min, int option_type_size_max)
 Set a custom option type size range.
void inject_separator (bool value=true)
 Set the value of the separator injection flag.
Optiondefault_function (const std::function< std::string()> &func)
 Set a capture function for the default. Mostly used by App.
Optioncapture_default_str ()
 Capture the default value from the original value (if it can be captured)
Optiondefault_str (std::string val)
 Set the default value string representation (does not change the contained value)
template<typename X >
Optiondefault_val (const X &val)
CLI11_NODISCARD std::string get_type_name () const
 Get the full typename for this option.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ option_state

enum class CLI::Option::option_state : char

enumeration for the option state machine


The option is currently collecting parsed results.


the results have been validated


a subset of results has been generated


the callback has been executed

Member Function Documentation

◆ allow_extra_args()

Option * CLI::Option::allow_extra_args ( bool value = true)

Set the value of allow_extra_args which allows extra value arguments on the flag or option to be included with each instance

◆ default_val()

template<typename X >
Option * CLI::Option::default_val ( const X & val)

Set the default value and validate the results and run the callback if appropriate to set the value into the bound value only available for types that can be converted to a string

◆ get_flag_value()

CLI11_NODISCARD CLI11_INLINE std::string CLI::Option::get_flag_value ( const std::string & name,
std::string input_value ) const

Get the value that goes for a flag, nominally gets the default value but allows for overrides if not disabled

◆ get_name()

CLI11_NODISCARD CLI11_INLINE std::string CLI::Option::get_name ( bool positional = false,
bool all_options = false ) const

Gets a comma separated list of names. Will include / prefer the positional name if positional is true. If all_options is false, pick just the most descriptive name to show. Use get_name(true) to get the positional name (replaces get_pname)

The all list will never include a positional unless asked or that's the only name.

positionalShow the positional name
all_optionsShow every option

◆ ignore_case()

template<typename T >
Option * CLI::Option::ignore_case ( bool value = true)

Ignore case

The template hides the fact that we don't have the definition of App yet. You are never expected to add an argument to the template here.

◆ ignore_underscore()

template<typename T >
Option * CLI::Option::ignore_underscore ( bool value = true)

Ignore underscores in the option names

The template hides the fact that we don't have the definition of App yet. You are never expected to add an argument to the template here.

◆ run_callback_for_default()

Option * CLI::Option::run_callback_for_default ( bool value = true)

Set the value of run_callback_for_default which controls whether the callback function should be called to set the default This is controlled automatically but could be manipulated by the user.

Member Data Documentation

◆ default_flag_values_

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > CLI::Option::default_flag_values_ {}

A list of the flag names with the appropriate default value, the first part of the pair should be duplicates of what is in snames or lnames but will trigger a particular response on a flag

◆ type_name_

std::function<std::string()> CLI::Option::type_name_ {[]() { return std::string(); }}

A human readable type value, set when App creates this

This is a lambda function so "types" can be dynamic, such as when a set prints its contents.

◆ type_size_max_

int CLI::Option::type_size_max_ {1}

The number of arguments that make up one option. max is the nominal type size, min is the minimum number of strings

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: